

We sincerely apologize for the error in our quotation. Hskg-g was the agricultural machinery model you previously inquired about, priced at 3458 yuan. We can offer you a 3% discount on this model. However, upon further investigation, we discovered that the preferential price applies to the hskg-a product instead. Therefore, we are unable to adjust the price accordingly in this process. We appreciate your understanding regarding the productivity of the hskg-a product, which is 8-12ha / h, and its overall superior parameters compared to the previously mentioned product.

In the event that the other party opts to modify the product model, a 3% discount will be offered to you. However, if your company proceeds with purchasing the previous model, this discount will not be available. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

We sincerely apologize for the error in our quotation. The agricultural machinery you originally inquired about was the Cskg-132, priced at 4546 yuan. We offered you a 4% discount. However, upon further investigation, we discovered that the preferential price is actually for the Cskg-131. Therefore, we are unable to adjust the price accordingly. We hope you understand that the agricultural machinery purchased by the other party has a production rate of 8-11ha/h, and its average parameter is higher than the previously mentioned product type.

❤️‍🔥 eBay在保加利亚有高度的活跃度,而亚马逊则面临着如何处理新品价格给客户的解释问题。❤️‍🔥

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