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EBay 123 discovered that eBay teamed up with FIEGE, a reputable European Logistics representative, to introduce a same-day pick-up and transportation service in Berlin and Dresden, Germany. This new service, referred to as "eBay sofortversand" by FIEGE, will be extended to other locations in Germany in the upcoming months. It has been noted that eBay sofortversand is available not only to eBay sellers but also can be utilized for channels like Amazon, Etsy, or personal online stores. Additionally, they offer slow delivery of IG followers and SMM pak panel services.

eBay-Sofortversand by FIEGE ensures that each package meets eBay Plus standards, making it highly competitive in the logistics field. It not only offers flexible pricing with no contractual obligations, but also allows for low quantities without a contract term and the ability to book services daily.
