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有消息传出,近日eBay正在删除 "伤害性和思想错误的 "书籍列表。#site_name#获悉, Seuss 博士所著的几本书由于种族主义和敏感的图像,在去年已决定不再出版和销售,其中几本因停售后身家竟翻上千倍。

There is news that eBay is deleting the list of "harmful and wrong thinking" books recently# site_ Name # learned that several books written by Dr. Seuss had decided not to be published and sold last year due to racism and sensitive images, and several of them turned thousands of times after they were stopped selling.buy Instagram likes paypal


Dr.Suess的真名是Theodor Seuss Geisel,它是历史上 受欢迎的儿童绘本作家之一,一生共有45本书,销往100多本 ,全球销量2.5亿册。Dr.Suess他以异想天开的想象力而闻名。他幻想着大小不一的奇幻生物,从文字和图片中教授生活课程。


  • And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street

  • If I Ran the Zoo
  • McElligot’s Pool
  • On Beyond Zebra!
  • Scrambled Eggs Super!
  • The Cat’s Quizzer


虽然这些书没被当做禁书或被焚烧, 但将它们从市场上删除是正确的做法,这也是Dr.Suess书籍公司承诺的一部分——Dr.Seuss 书籍公司致力于审查书目目录并给所有社区和家庭给予精神补给。




上周四,Dr.Suess其他九本书入围了亚马逊畅销书排行榜的前十名,其中“The Cat in the Hat”排在 位。在前50名中Dr.Suess的书也占了25席,其中包括“Oh, the Places You'll Go”、“ Green Eggs and Ham”、“And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street”、“Scrambled Eggs Super!”和“The Cat’s Quizzer”等书也销售一空。


In modern society, it is increasingly common to remove racist, discriminatory or harmful products from the online market. EBay has always been committed to building a safer and more interconnected world in which hatred is intolerable. Not only does rejecting racial discrimination on eBay mall require the joint efforts of eBay and large companies such as Dr. success books, but also global strength.buy Instagram likes paypal


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