IG购买 俄罗斯卖家数量猛增39%!eBay俄罗斯爆款清单公布how to host on ins,real active ins li

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[烤鸭粉丝网(kyquant.com)] https://www.kyquant.com

在出口商品中,销量增长幅度 大的品类包括“钓鱼用品”(+6302%)、“耳机”(+1797%)、“足球收藏卡”(+763%)、“苹果笔记本电脑”(+254%)、“打猎用品”(+165%)及“小说”(+146%)。

Among the export commodities, the categories with large sales growth include "fishing products" (+ 6302%), "headphones" (+ 1797%), "football collection card" (+ 763%), "Apple laptop" (+ 254%), "hunting products" (+ 165%) and "Novels" (+ 146%).how to host on ins,real active ins likes


2020年eBay俄罗斯内销商品销量快速增长的类别包括汽车零部件及配件( 1812%)、NBA球员签名商品( 1014%)、来自世界各地的硬币( 762%)、法国装饰玻璃器皿和水晶( 141%)、水族箱灯( 119%)。


eBay全球新兴市场总经理Ilya Kretov指出,自疫情封锁以来,已新增超过11500名俄罗斯企业通过eBay进行出口销售,目前eBay平台的俄罗斯出口商数量已达41000多家,同比增长39%,这些出口商销往的主要 包括美国、英国、德国、加拿大和法国。

Ilya kretov, general manager of eBay's global emerging markets, pointed out that since the closure of the epidemic, more than 11500 Russian enterprises have been added to export sales through eBay. At present, the number of Russian exporters on eBay platform has reached more than 41000, with a year-on-year increase of 39%. These exporters are mainly sold to the United States, Britain, Germany, Canada and France.how to host on ins,real active ins likes

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